Tickets, Poster, Call Times
For those of you that haven't been getting my emails, here is the info contained in the last one.
A link to the poster:
Please print this out and paper it up EVERYWHERE! I only have so much time to get to places, so if you want to sell out the theatre each night (we've done it before), post them in your dorms, in IV, at your places of business, all over. Help me out and we'll get a HUGE audience. Tell your family and friends!
Also, please remember to send me your ticket reservations. I need:
- Name of person picking up tickets (and/or yours)
- # of tickets
- Which performance
- Contact's phone # (or yours)
I have only gotten emails from FOUR people so far, so the rest of you get cracking!
Here are the call times for this week:
7 pm Monday through Wednesday
6 pm on Thursday for the open dress
5 pm on Friday for Opening night
12 noon on Saturday for the Matinee
5 pm on Saturday Evening for Closing night
Those of you with finals that lead right up to a performance, get into hair and makeup (and possibly costume) BEFORE your final. I know it sucks and is weird, but if it's the only way for you to get to the show on time then it's your best bet.
Thank you all for your hard work this quarter - we're almost there!
A link to the poster:
Please print this out and paper it up EVERYWHERE! I only have so much time to get to places, so if you want to sell out the theatre each night (we've done it before), post them in your dorms, in IV, at your places of business, all over. Help me out and we'll get a HUGE audience. Tell your family and friends!
Also, please remember to send me your ticket reservations. I need:
- Name of person picking up tickets (and/or yours)
- # of tickets
- Which performance
- Contact's phone # (or yours)
I have only gotten emails from FOUR people so far, so the rest of you get cracking!
Here are the call times for this week:
7 pm Monday through Wednesday
6 pm on Thursday for the open dress
5 pm on Friday for Opening night
12 noon on Saturday for the Matinee
5 pm on Saturday Evening for Closing night
Those of you with finals that lead right up to a performance, get into hair and makeup (and possibly costume) BEFORE your final. I know it sucks and is weird, but if it's the only way for you to get to the show on time then it's your best bet.
Thank you all for your hard work this quarter - we're almost there!